John Fudala Presents
Learn to Skateboard Experiences
1 on 1 is best suited for getting beginners started. We suggest only 1 hour ie focus fundamentals.
Additionally, 1 on1's can be great for qualifying under 5 year olds for Coastal Edge Skate Camp & or gauging child's interest in skate camp.
Buddy up- join a skateboard coach & one of our Kid Counselors in training, from our leadership program.
Groups can be great for kids inspiration & continued focus. Depending on the size I would suggest 1-4 hours. "Create our own camp" 10 or more kids is a good number to go for a 4 hour period.
More about Groups: In essence we can create our own camp, meet at unique locations and explore new environments.
Parties- add ons if needed: side show, balloon sculpting & face painting (Inquire below).